Bootcamp mixed weights is on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This is a 1 hour long class where you will focus on lifting weights,Guaranteed that you will improve your performance, lose body fat and increase confidence.
A typical class will have 7 stations at 8 minutes per station. You will learn the correct lifting techniques and you'll also learn how to progressively overload to allow your body constantly get stronger. Lifting weights will not only improve your health and make you feel strong/toned but it will also help get you lean fast along side a healthy eating plan.

Improves Health
Improves Fat Loss
Improves Strength
Improves Definition
Improves Confidence
Maximises Performance
Actions speak louder than words
Whatever your reasons,
Whatever your goals,
Whether you wish to get rid of back pain,
or wish to finally get rid of that unwanted stubborn fat around your belly, hips or thighs.
WHAT DAYS ARE THE MIXED WEIGHTS CLASSES ON?Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
WHAT TIMES ARE THE CLASSES ON?Please click HERE to view the timetable.
WHERE ARE THE HIIT MIXED WEIGHTS HELD?Please click HERE to view the a google map and get directions.
WHAT SHOULD I BRING TO A MIXED WEIGHTS CLASS?I would advise you to wear a good sensible pair of runners, shorts or tracksuit bottoms. Other than that wear whatever is comfortable to you just try not to have your tracksuit dragging along the ground as you may slip. I would also advise you to bring water and a towel.
IS THE PARKING FREE AT HIIT FITNESS?No need to bring any change as there are plenty of FREE parking spaces right outside the studio.
DO I NEED TO BE FIT TO JOIN?No, it's not necessary to be fit to join. Every class is time based. This way you work as hard as you can, knowing that you can take a break whenever you need one & not feel like you are holding anyone back. Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced variations will be given for every exercise.
WHEN I SIGN UP, IS MIXED WEIGHTS THE ONLY CLASS I CAN ATTEND?"No as when you choose the price plan that best suits your schedule, you can mix and match from any class on our timetable. All you need to do is register into the class tha you wish to attend.
WHEN CAN I SIGN UP?Click HERE and start your MIXED WEIGHTS journey today!